1ère Agence de recrutements médicaux à la carte
Foreign dentists? Your future in France
Foreign dentists? Your future in France
La Solution Médicale
The 1st medical intermediation network
La Solution Médicale
The 1st medical intermediation network
La Solution Médicale accompanies foreign dentists throughout the entire process of their professional integration in France, from their installation to their full registration with the French Medical Association (The National Council of the College of Dental Surgeons).

Our Agency takes charge of the full integration into the French medical system of dentists who have graduated in the European Union:

Your professional integration

  • We offer you personalized support to help you find a position: shift system format, specialty, type of structure, department required, etc…
  • We accompany you through the legal administrative procedures (registration with the Council of the College of Dental Surgeons in France).
  • We identify the best health care institutions to integrate so that you can benefit from attractive remuneration, employed status, remote administrative management, and a better quality of life.

Your personal integration

  • As soon as you arrive in France, you will be taken care of by a member of our staff dedicated to your installation
  • Search for a permanent accommodation, as well as a temporary solution for your first few nights in France.
  • French administrative procedures,
  • Integration in social life etc…

Gagnez du temps dans votre recherche d’emploi et obtenez enfin des résultats ciblés et pertinents. Passer par l’agence La Solution Médicale, c’est s’assurer d’être contacté dans les plus brefs délais avec des propositions d’embauche triées sur le volet, et répondant avec précision à vos standards de recherche.

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    La Solution Médicale© 
    1 ère Agence de Recrutement Dentaire & Médical

    Vous êtes un praticien, en activité, en début ou en fin de carrière ou encore étudiant, la Solution Médicale est à votre service. Nous vous proposons un accompagnement personnalisé pour mener à bien votre recherche d'emploi, du premier contact jusqu’au contrat d’embauche.

    La Solution Médicale

    9 rue de Miromesnil

    75008 PARIS

    SIRET : 80422699100037

    SAS au capital de 512 000€

     01 76 38 09 56

    [email protected]